Historical Note: This document was created for Steve Henifin in order to create original music for each cinematic. As things turned out we were only able to use one of Steve's compositions for the first cinematic, and we used the rest of his in-game music for the others. We thought this would be interesting to read because it describes the themes of each cinematic in Legacy of Kain. Theme Outlines for CinematicsGeneralAll of the cinematics for Kain are from a retrospective point of view. There are 35 minutes of video for about 120 hours of game-play. These should NOT be scored like a movie but like a rock video because each of these scenes are a rare treat and should grab the player's attention. What is really important is that the music for these pieces creates a mood. They should do much more than fill dead space. Act 1 - The Failure of the CircleWhat is happening hereWe are 5000 years before the game starts. The "Vampire Purge" is beginning, undertaken by the Sarafan, a holy order of warriors-priests. The Sarafan are lead by Malek who is also charged with protection of Circle of Nine. The Circle of Nine are known as the Protectors of Hope and stand for everything that right and just. They protect Nosgoth and are responsible for ordering the Sarafan to undertake the "Vampire Purge". Vorador, a great leader among the vampires executes his revenge on a member of the circle for what they have done and defeats Malek in a duel. For failing the circle, Malek is fused to his armor and is charged to protect the circle for eternity. Elsewhere, Ariel, the Pillar of Balance, (another member of the Circle) is killed, which sets a number of events in motion, particularly the decay the Pillars of Nosgoth. ThemesAnyone watching this cinematic will not have a clue about what is going on. Thus, confusion, mystery and excitement are very strong themes. This is piece is meant to serve the same purpose as the prelude to "The Wheel of Time" series by Robert Jordan. Act 2 - Kain in the AbyssWhat's Happening HereAfter being killed, Kain is given a chance to be reborn and seek revenge by the necromancer Mortanius. Kain is turned into a vampire. ThemesThis is a very somber and retrospective moment. It is not entirely clear that Kain is turned into a vampire when he chooses to take the sword. However, the choice that he made eternally damns him (not that he really had a choice). Anger and frustration are prevalent in Kain's heart, since he is powerless to do anything. Act 4 - Ghost of the PillarsWhat's Happening HereKain meets Ariel, the ghost of the Pillar of Balance. She haunts the pillars, seeking fulfillment of the tasks she left incomplete in life. ThemesSorrow, fragility, mourning, "Lost love", wonder, mystery of the "Stonehenge" type. Act 7 - The OracleWhat's Happening HereKain meets the Oracle of Nosgoth, from whom he receives visions of the future. The future is not good. This is the first place where Kain really starts to become manipulated as a pawn. In this case by the time streamer - Moebius. ThemesLucidity, wonder, mystery, fore-shadowing. Act 8 - The Vampire VoradorWhat's Happening HereKain visits the ancient and arrogant vampire Vorador, who tells his story. ThemesThere is a lot of different themes here. At the beginning, while Kain introduces Vorador we have dread and damnation - Kain considers himself lost, and Vorador is an example of what he will become. Vorador's speech has themes of vengeance, anger, violence, triumph and glory. Vorador is an arrogant, egotistical braggart and is going to exaggerate his tones. Act 10 - Dark EdenWhat's Happening HereMalek and Vorador meet again in a fight to the death. ThemesThis is an eternal struggle. This is representative of Kain's struggle. Epic, conflict, revenge, bitterness are all present in this act. Act 11 - WillendorfWhat's Happening HereKain visits the Court of Willendorf, hoping to sway the king into attempting to stop the advance of the "Nemesis". The king ignores him and tells him of his daughter, and the Dollmaker. ThemesHere we have a kingdom that is falling into decay because the will of its ruler is lost. The tone is somewhat of what it may have been like in Camelot, as the Round Table is disbanded and Arthur killed. It is a lost, sterile atmosphere, that was once proud and powerful. Act 12 - The Battle of the Last StandWhat's Happening HereThe armies of the "Hope" rally to stop the huge numbers of the Horde. ThemesFading hopes and dreams. This is the story peak. Conflict, anticipation, dread, hopelessness. Act 13 - NuremburgWhat's Happening HereKain reads the mind of a dead peasant, and discovers that the "Oracle" has betrayed him. The "Oracle" or Mobius the Time Streamer, stands before a crowd of irate peasants, and tells them of the impending arrival of the Vampire Kain, and prepares them for it. ThemesThis scene is a major revelation, with themes of fascism (Nazism), pomp and circumstance, very much like the Nuremberg rallies. Moebius incites the crowd in a Hitler-esque fashion. Act 14 - A Vampires EndWhat's Happening HereAfter Kain returns to the present time everything has changed. A vampire cult has been born that has done more damage to the race of the vampires than the Sarafan. Vorador is executed and somehow they are know of Kain's existence and wait for him. ThemesShock, Horror, Realization, Death, the "End of an Era" (of vampires) Act 15 - Full CircleWhat's Happening HereKain finally realizes a truth about what is going on. ThemesUneasiness, Revelation, Shock. Act 15b - The Pillar of DeathWhat's Happening HereKain is forced to face the fact that he is only a pawn and has to fight Mortanius as an Undead Monster. ThemesDeath, Rage. Act 16 - Damned if you doWhat's Happening HereKain is given the chance to kill himself and save Nosgoth for he has become the pillar of Balance. ThemeDead silence. Act 17 - Kain KongWhat's Happening HereKain has chosen not to sacrifice himself and has destroyed the world in the process. ThemesKain has become a monster and destroyed everything around him. Act 18 - Happy Happy Joy JoyWhat's Happening HereKain has killed himself to save and restore Nosgoth. ThemesSadness, loss, finality, melancholic over the loss of "Hero" (Kain), despite the salvation of the world as a whole. This music should cater to Kain rather than Nosgoth. |